Ives-Way Can Sealer

can sealer ives way 800

Ives-Way 800 sealer.

Ives-way can sealer is a wonderful little sealer that has been around since November 28, 1939. This is when Clifford E. Ives has been granted patent 2.181,237 for his machine. It has had enough time to be improved upon and be perfected. Since 1973 this can sealer has been manufactured and distributed by Ives-Way Products Inc,. Round lake Beach, Illinois. The Ives-Way can sealer offers 7 different diameters and can adjust from flat tuna fish cans to the taller fruit cans. The sealer comes partially assembled with a set of different chucks and spacers. A detailed installation and operating manual is included. The company believes that it will benefit a new operator if he learns how to assemble and adjust the machine. The advantage of this approach is that by the time you assemble the sealer you will be well acquainted with its operation. You will know how to adjust the rollers, check clearances, change spacers and chucks, oil the crucial parts and always maintain it in top operating condition. Some distributors will assemble the sealer with a chuck of your choice for a small fee, however, we feel that it is best in your own interests to assemble the sealer yourself.

can sealer ives way chucks

Chucks. By installing
different chucks, the same
Ives sealer can seal cans
of six different diameters.

Different models come equipped with different chucks, however, the machine remains the same. What it means is that a person familiar with the unit can purchase additional chucks and will be able to can the six most popular can sizes. Many companies distribute this sealer, but information about the machine is the best kept secret on the Internet; the reason being that until today the company has no visible presence on the Internet and prefers to do business the old fashioned way. Which, by the way works well as the company answers telephone calls and will answer any questions. Food cans come in all shapes and sizes, so one particular sealer cannot seal all of them. Sealers that are designed for home canning will seal the round cans only. All sealers can accommodate optional chucks, and that will allow to seal cans of different diameters. What follows is a brief description of the Ives-Way sealer. The sealer consists of the following parts: chuck, turntable, 1st and 2nd roller, locking lever, crank, associated hardware (pins, nuts, spacers), and adjustment wire gauges.

can sealer ives way

"0" - Ready for sealing. Operator starts cranking the handle.

can sealer ives way

"1" - engaging 1st roller.

can sealer ives way

"2"- engaging 2nd roller. The process ends when "0" shows up again.

Keep in mind that every time a chuck is installed, both pressure rollers must be readjusted as well. Make sure you know on which side of the chuck the 1st and the 2nd roller is located. Read the operating instructions. On the Ives sealer the 1st roller is to the right of the chuck. Ives-Way sealer uses a clever window indicator which displays the stage of the sealing process the can is at.

  • Ives-Way Products, Inc.
  • PO Box 70
  • Round Lake Beach, Illinois 60073
  • Phone: (847) 740-0658

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The Practical Guide to Making Salami

The Practical Guide to Making Salami is a companion book to The Art of Making Fermented Sausages, published in 2008. Since then, more information has become available; safety standards have been updated and tightened, new cultures have appeared, and getting supplies and newer equipment online has become more accessible. The most relevant theory has been transferred from The Art of Making Fermented Sausages. Still, The Practical Guide to Making Salami includes plenty of new materials such as fermented spreadable sausages, acidified sausages, or combining acidulants with natural fermentation. The recipes section has been expanded and includes 264 selected recipes from different countries so the reader can immediately produce sausages.

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