Wood for Smoking

The wood used for smoking should be relatively new and kept in a well-ventilated but covered area. A freshly cut tree contains 50% moisture, and the dried wood about 25%. That level of dryness requires about 6–9 months of drying. Wet wood can be recognized immediately because of the hissing sound it creates when burned. This is escaping vapor and boiling particles of water. To achieve moisture contents of < 20%, the wood must be oven-dried.

Any hardwood is fine, but evergreen trees like fir, spruce, pine, or others cause problems. They contain too much resin, and the finished product has a turpentine flavor to it. It also develops a black color due to the extra soot from the smoke, which in turn makes the smoker dirtier, too. Such wood will burn quickly and cleanly but will not be suitable for smoking. However, there is a region in Germany called Bavaria where they have been using evergreens for centuries. They acquired this taste in childhood, and they are very fond of it even though most people don’t like it. And, of course, you cannot use any wood that was previously pressure treated, painted, or commercially manufactured.

The type of wood used is responsible for the final color of the smoked product, and it can also influence its taste and flavor. All fruit and citrus trees have a light to medium sweet flavor and are excellent with poultry and ham. Many say that cherry wood is the best. Oak, available all over the world, is probably the most commonly used wood for smoking. It produces a brown color. If hickory is used, the color will have a more vivid red tint to it.

Wood types can be mixed to create custom flavors. For instance, walnut, which has a heavy smoke flavor, can be mixed with applewood to create a milder version. For practical reasons, a home sausage maker will probably use oak or hickory most of the time. Some sausages, like German or Polish Hunter Sausages, develop their characteristic flavors and aromas by adding juniper branches or berries to the fire. Juniper is the main ingredient for making gin, so we know it has to be a fine element.

Powdered bark of some trees has been used for medicinal purposes; willow tree for aspirin, cinchona tree is a source of quinine to fight malaria or to make tonic water, and they all taste bitter. The bark of the birch tree produces a lot of soot when it burns. In addition, bark often contains soil, molds, and parasites; it is not a clean wood. Thus, we can draw a conclusion that it will be much safer to remove the bark.

The following woods are great for smoking:

  • Acacia - the same family as mesquite, though not as heavy. A very hot burning wood. Smoked color: yellow, lemon type
  • Alder - a light flavor that works well with fish and poultry. It contains a hint of sweetness and is good with poultry and light – meat game birds. Products develop a dark yellow, orange, or light brown color. Traditionally used for smoking salmon. Northwest.
  • Almond - a nutty, sweet flavor.
  • Apple - mild, fruity flavor, slightly sweet. Good for poultry and pork. Northwest.
  • Apricot - mild, sweet flavor. Good for fish, poultry, and pork.
  • Beech - an all-around wood for meat smoking. Good with pork, beef, poultry, and fish and is very popular in Europe. Products develop a yellow, golden color.
  • Birch - medium hardwood, flavor similar to maple. Good with poultry and pork.
  • Black Walnut - heavy flavor, can impart bitter taste if not monitored carefully.
  • Cherry - mild, fruity. Good with poultry, pork, and beef.
  • Citrus - lemon, grapefruit, orange, nectarine – light fruity flavor, good with fish, poultry, pork, and beef.
  • Fruit trees - apple, cherry, apricot – sweet mild flavor.
  • Hickory - strong flavor, good with beef and lamb. Smoked products develop a reddish color. Southern and Eastern regions of the USA.
  • Maple - like fruit, sweet flavor. Northeast.
  • Mulberry - sweet, similar to apple.
  • Mesquite - very strong flavor, burns hot and fast. It's good for hot, short smoking and better for grilling. Southern and desert areas of the USA, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas.
  • Oak - probably the best all-around wood for meat smoking. Strong but not overpowering, and it is good for sausages, beef, or lamb. Smoked products develop a light brown to brown color, depending on the length of smoking. Less popular with commercial producers because of its hardiness; it dulls the cutting blades of the machinery.
  • Peach - mild, sweet flavor. Good for fish, poultry, and pork.
  • Pear - light and sweet, smoked color dark – red. Excellent with poultry and pork.
  • Pecan - a milder version of hickory. Burns cool. Southwest region.
  • Plum - mild, sweet flavor. Good on fish, poultry, pork
  • Walnut - heavy smoke flavor. It can impart a bitter taste if not monitored. Good with red meats and game.

To simplify the matter:

  • Fish and poultry - alder and fruit trees
  • Meats - oak and hickory

The color of the sausage can be influenced by wood: oak produces a brown color, and hickory produces a reddish color. Mixing oak with hickory creates an in-between red-brown color. All fruit and nut trees are suitable for smoking. The fact remains that wood from locally grown trees is used for smoking. If alder, oak, or beech grow in the area, people are not going to order cherry or pecan wood on the internet.

Dry or Wet Wood

Here is another question that never seems to go out of fashion: “What’s better, wet or dry ?”. Wet chips or sawdust seem to produce more smoke, but this is not true. The extra amount of smoke is nothing else but water vapor (steam) mixed with smoke. This does make a difference when hot smoking at 105-140° F (40-60° C), and the smoke times are rather short, or smoking at low humidity. That extra moisture prevents the sausage casings from drying out during smoking. Besides, wet chips are not going to be wet for very long; the heat will dry them out anyhow. Wood chips produce good smoke when wet, and they decrease the temperature, but the moment they become dry, they burst into flames, and the temperature shoots up. The grease from the sausage drops down on the little flames, the temperature goes up, and the once-little flames are now shooting flames. In one minute, we may have a raging fire inside the smoker. Smoking with wet wood for extended periods of time can introduce some acidity to a product.

When a smoker has a separate standing fire pit, large pieces of wood can be burned, as the resulting flames will never make it inside the smoker. As you already know, we don’t use wet wood for cold smoking because we want to eliminate moisture, not bring it in. Cold smoke warms the surface of the meat up very finely, just enough to allow the moisture to evaporate. Creating cold smoke for two days with wet wood will never dry out the meat. Dry wood should be used for cold smoking. When hot smoking, the smoke, along with the air, dries out the casings, which develops a harder surface. The surface of the meat will become drier, too. By using wet wood when hot smoking, we moisten the surface of the product, aiding the smoking.

Wood Pieces, Wood Chips, or Sawdust

The type of wood used will largely depend on the smoker used and the location of the fire pit. If the smoker is connected to a fire pit by a pipe or a trench, it makes absolutely no difference what type of wood is burned as this design can take a lot of abuse and still provides efficient and comfortable smoke generation. Most people who use these types of smokers don’t even bother with chips or sawdust and burn solid wood logs instead. Burning wood inside of small one-unit smokers creates the danger of a fire erupting.

We have to use wood chips or sawdust with a safety baffle above to prevent flames from reaching upwards. This would also prevent fat from dripping down on the wood chips and starting a big fire. When preparing sawdust, do not throw it into the water, but place it in a bucket and then moisten it using a spray bottle. Mix sawdust by hand until it feels moist. Such sawdust will burn longer and at lower temperatures than other woods and will be the material of choice for smoke generation in small electrical smokers.

When smoking in a homemade barrel smoker with a fire pit in the bottom part of the drum, it is much easier to control the temperature by using dry chips. These smolder and burn in a more predictable manner. Wet chips are just soaked in water on the outside, even when placed in a bucket overnight. The only way to make them really wet is to cover them with boiling water and leave them in it. Hot water penetrates wood all the way through.

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The Practical Guide to Making Salami

The Practical Guide to Making Salami is a companion book to The Art of Making Fermented Sausages, published in 2008. Since then, more information has become available; safety standards have been updated and tightened, new cultures have appeared, and getting supplies and newer equipment online has become more accessible. The most relevant theory has been transferred from The Art of Making Fermented Sausages. Still, The Practical Guide to Making Salami includes plenty of new materials such as fermented spreadable sausages, acidified sausages, or combining acidulants with natural fermentation. The recipes section has been expanded and includes 264 selected recipes from different countries so the reader can immediately produce sausages.

1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes
Home Production of Quality Meats and Sausages
Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design
The Art of Making Fermented Sausages
Make Sausages Great Again
German Sausages Authentic Recipes And Instructions
Polish Sausages
Spanish Sausages
Home Production of Vodkas, Infusions, and Liqueurs
Home Canning of Meat, Poultry, Fish and Vegetables
Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Pickles, and Relishes
Curing and Smoking Fish
Making Healthy Sausages
The Art of Making Vegetarian Sausages
The Amazing Mullet: How To Catch, Smoke And Cook The Fish