Factory Made Smoke Generators

Smoke Daddy™ makes excellent smoke generators using the straight high nozzle design. The wire screen that holds wood chips is secured above the bottom, and the fresh air is supplied below the screen. Placing wood on a screen permits the introduction of primary air below the burning wood and better combustion. This design is known as a stool grate firebox and is described in Fire Box Design.

Smoke Daddy™ smoke generator

Smoke Daddy™ smoke generator.

With the air pump disconnected, the generator still generates enough smoke due to the natural draft. This may be enough smoke for a little smoker

With the air pump disconnected, the generator still generates enough smoke due to the natural draft. This may be enough smoke for a little smoker.

Smoke entering smokehouse

Smoke entering smokehouse.

Smoke Daddy™ generator attached to the trailer drum

The Smoke Daddy™ generator is attached to the trailer drum.

Smoke Daddy™ generator attached to drum

The Smoke Daddy™ generator is attached to the drum.

Smoke generator kit. <em>Photo courtesy Smoke Daddy</em>™

Smoke generator kit. Photo courtesy Smoke Daddy™.

Below is Roger's design, an all-stainless-steel smoke generator. A popular unit in Poland.

The air nozzle in Roger's unit is welded into the pipe that connects the smokebox and smokehouse.

Available from Amazon

The Practical Guide to Making Salami

The Practical Guide to Making Salami is a companion book to The Art of Making Fermented Sausages, published in 2008. Since then, more information has become available; safety standards have been updated and tightened, new cultures have appeared, and getting supplies and newer equipment online has become more accessible. The most relevant theory has been transferred from The Art of Making Fermented Sausages. Still, The Practical Guide to Making Salami includes plenty of new materials such as fermented spreadable sausages, acidified sausages, or combining acidulants with natural fermentation. The recipes section has been expanded and includes 264 selected recipes from different countries so the reader can immediately produce sausages.

1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes
Home Production of Quality Meats and Sausages
Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design
The Art of Making Fermented Sausages
Make Sausages Great Again
German Sausages Authentic Recipes And Instructions
Polish Sausages
Spanish Sausages
Home Production of Vodkas, Infusions, and Liqueurs
Home Canning of Meat, Poultry, Fish and Vegetables
Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Pickles, and Relishes
Curing and Smoking Fish
Making Healthy Sausages
The Art of Making Vegetarian Sausages
The Amazing Mullet: How To Catch, Smoke And Cook The Fish