Meats and Sausages
Morcilla Dulce Riojana
Blood sausage are very popular in Spain especially in the province of La Rioja where they are served in many different forms. Generally, there are two types: one made with rice and onions (morcilla riojana) and another made with blood, rice, bread and sugar called morcilla dulce riojana(dulce means "sweet" in Spanish). They are served with cooked dishes, in bean stews or simply fried and eaten together with fried tomato.
Materials | Metric | US |
Pork blood | 170 ml | 5.66 oz fl |
Kidney fat, lard | 220 g | 7.76 oz |
Rice, cooked | 220 g | 7.76 oz |
Sugar | 220 g | 7.76 oz |
White bread | 170 g | 5.60 oz |
Ingredients per 1000g (1 kg) of materials
Salt | 6.0 g | 1 tsp |
Cinnamon | 1.0 g | ½ tsp |
Star anise, ground | 0.5 g | ¼ tsp |
- Cook the rice, but don't overcook.
- Grind fat through 3 mm (1/8") plate.
- Break white of bread in smaller pieces and mix with blood, rice, sugar, spices and fat.
- Stuff into 32-36 mm pork casings.
- Cook in water at 80° C (176° F) for 30 minutes.
- Refrigerate.
The sausage is ready to eat raw, but is usually fried or grilled. The appearance of the sausage is black on inside and outside with visible white specks of rice.